Hahaha here's some vandalism ====== Table Saws ====== The geology lab is equipped with two table saws for cutting and preparing rock samples. Below are the details for each saw, including model information, manuals, and training resources. ===== Table Saw 1: GeoSlice Pro 3000 ===== {{ 107_geology_lab:geoslice3000.webp |}} * Model: GeoSlice Pro 3000 * Manufacturer: RockTech Industries * Blade Diameter: 14 inches * Motor: 3 HP * Max Cutting Depth: 4 inches ==== Resources ==== ++++ Manual | {{pdfjs 80vh> :107_geology_lab:l0604856.pdf |}} ++++ * Training Document: [[107_geology_lab:training:geoslice_ pro_3000_training|GeoSlice Pro 3000 Training Guide]] ===== Table Saw 2: PetraCut X250 ===== * Model: PetraCut X250 * Manufacturer: Geological Instruments Co. * Blade Diameter: 12 inches * Motor: 2.5 HP * Max Cutting Depth: 3.5 inches ==== Resources ==== * User Manual: [[107_geology_lab:pdf_manuals:petra_cut_x250.pdf|PetraCut X250 Manual]] * Training Document: [[107_geology_lab:training:petra_cut_x250_training|PetraCut X250 Training Guide]] ===== General Safety Guidelines ===== Before operating either table saw, please review our comprehensive safety guidelines: * [[107_geology_lab:safety:table_saw_safety|Table Saw Safety Guidelines]] This document covers essential safety procedures, including: * Personal protective equipment requirements * Proper blade inspection and replacement * Safe operating procedures * Emergency shutdown procedures * Clean-up and maintenance protocols ===== Maintenance and Support ===== For any issues with the table saws or to schedule maintenance, please contact our lab technician: * [[107_geology_lab:lab_technician|Contact Lab Technician]] Remember, only personnel who have completed the required training and safety orientation are permitted to use the table saws. If you need to schedule training, please contact the lab supervisor.